Intervention: LLTTF Classes
Project: Charity-delivered series of LLTTF classes across Northern Ireland – 2009 to current
Target group: Adults with mild to moderate depression
Setting: Across Northern Ireland (rural and cities)
Support offered: Contractors employed to deliver the sessions. Trained over a three day programme.
Outcomes: Participants complete The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), evaluation forms at the start and end of the course, as well as 6 weeks after the course. Attendees experience of low mood and stress was significantly decreased by attending the LLTTF course. Participants reported a significant improvement in their knowledge of low mood and stress and indicated that they were more aware of how to overcome unhelpful behaviours that impacted on their low mood.
What else? Personal stories about changes in their lives during and after the programme further support the evaluation findings that the Living Life to the Full programme has had a positive impact on symptoms of mild to moderate depression, with participants stating that they continued to read their booklets since leaving the course and found them very useful in their everyday life.
Participant Comments:
“Fantastic programme. Presenters were excellent and really understanding. This has really helped me. The books are great, simple, short and user friendly, all the information you need” (Lurgan Pilot)
“This course has helped me and my family to be more positive looking and not be overclouded by negative thinking all the time, I think it will make us stronger” (Derry Pilot)
“I now have a better state of mind, more positive and less negative thanks to this course” (Belfast Pilot)
“The information was so easy to understand and the way you were treated meant I could relax and focus on learning as much as I can” (Derry Pilot)
Click here to read more about this report
Click here to read about the separate full RCT of the LLTTF classes in Scotland