Five Areas Ltd (Living Life to the Full- LLTTF) provides high quality, accessible resources using award-winning, practical Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based educational life skills resources. We work with individuals, communities, charities, businesses, schools, public health, and health and social care offering staff training and support in the use of a range of mental and physical wellbeing classes and resources. Our vision is to be the go-to resource for learning and teaching physical and mental wellbeing, where you can learn the way you want to learn. We offer consistent, quality CBT-based educational life-skills resources, packaged and presented in multiple formats in order to be accessible to multiple user groups. We run two main websites: www.fiveareas.com for supporters: helping you help others. www.llttf.com for members of the public: helping you help yourself.
Find out more about our enjoyable and interactive face to face supporter/teacher classes:
LLTTF Classes
Enjoy Series
Reclaim Your Life
Dental Anxiety
We Eat Elephants
Planning for the Future
Working in Private Practice?
Resources available for Self Employed Support Workers
SPIRIT Supporter Training
Find out more about our SPIRIT Supporter training resources
LLTTF for Young People
Want to arrange Training?
Invite us to deliver supporter training for your team
Case Studies (Click on the images below for more information)