Enjoy Your Bump

For expectant mothers

This course can help expectant mums learn more about getting the most out of their pre-natal experiences. With the help of supportive worksheets and tasks to try, participants learn ways to improve how they feel so that they enjoy their pregnancy and future life as a parent.


Key modules include:

  • Understanding why I feel as I do
  • Building closeness to your bump
  • Getting a better night’s sleep
  • Feeling in control during the delivery
  • Building closeness to your new baby
  • What about sex
  • and much more…


The course can be run as a face to face group or accessed by participants online. Written by a CBT expert and with lots of advice from experienced parents this course teaches mums to feel happier and more in control, using modules with clever thought provoking imagery, supporting worksheets,  online books and videos.

Want to know more? Contact us

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