Why do I feel as I do?
Vicious cycle (Interactive) – Starting out using the vicious cycle- this interactive sheet helps identify what goes in the different areas.
Making Effective Plans
Planner sheet – Making clear plans.
Review Sheet – Reviewing what happened, so your client can Plan, Do and Review.
Mood Ratings
Smiley faces mood rating – Review the impact of activities as well as keep an eye on their progress.
Improving Mood (Behavioural Activation)
My Happy list – What activities improve mood (pleasure, achievement, closeness).
I can’t be bothered ticklist – Identifies activities that have been cut down/lost. Can they be reintroduced to improve life?
My Activity Planner – Build helpful activities across the day and week.
10 Things You Can Do to feel happier straight away – Some more ideas of activities that can help.
Vicious cycle of reduced activity – The worse we feel, the less we do, and the less we do the worse we feel – discover what needs to change
The Things we do That Mess us Up (Unhelpful Behaviours)
The things we do that mess us up traffic light sheet -Move away from red (danger) activities towards amber and green (helpful) activities.
1.2.3.Breathe – What pushes buttons and gets us annoyed. List ways of responding more helpfully.
Problem Solving
Easy 4 step plan – Tackle external problems using a step by step approach.
Changing Unhelpful and Upsetting Thinking
My Unhelpful Thoughts worksheet – Pick a time when you feel bad- then ask “what’s going through my mind?”
Unhelpful Thinking Styles Spotter – Label the type of bad thought- and spot thinking habits that recur.
Amazing Unhelpful Thought Busting Programme – Relate differently to upsetting thinking.
Facing Fears / Anxiety
Face It Planning Sheet – Facing avoided activities in a planned step by step way.
Overcoming Avoidance (traffic light) – Help plan steps to face avoidance, and build confidence step by step.
Tension Control Training
Tension Control Training practitioner script – Teaches key skills to enhance relaxation (mental and physical).