Older Adults Living Life to the Full Ontario Pilot Project

In 2014, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) set out to introduce and evaluate the LLTTF course with older adults (50+) in community centres across Ontario:

16 LLTTF facilitators from local CMHA branches were recruited and attended a 2 day training workshop. They then partnered with 16 older adult centres across Ontario to host the course. 375 older adults self-referred to the LLTTF course advertised at local community centre. 30 LLTTF courses were held. Measures of mood, anxiety, quality of life and overall well-being were collected before the course, after the course and three months later.


Participants reported improvements in psychological and social factors as measured through the WHO QUALITY OF LIFE-BREF SCALE.


Read the full report here
CMHA are also using the LLTTF Classes to support Caregivers – find out more


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