Somali Community Health Workers

Somali Community Health Workers

Somali Community Health Workers Title: Training Somali community health workers to deliver the LLTTF classes, showed significant improvement in attendee’s self-assessment of mood. Project: To test the feasibility and acceptability of implementing an evidence-based,...
Older Adults Living Life to the Full Ontario Pilot Project

Older Adults Living Life to the Full Ontario Pilot Project

In 2014, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) set out to introduce and evaluate the LLTTF course with older adults (50+) in community centres across Ontario: 16 LLTTF facilitators from local CMHA branches were recruited and attended a 2 day training workshop....
LLTTF for Young People in Secondary Schools

LLTTF for Young People in Secondary Schools

Significant Wellbeing increase following use of Living Life to the Full for Young People Classes   Following funding from the Department of Education, the Character Education in the East Devon Secondary School Partnership delivered a 12-month Character Education...
Living Life to the Full (Canada)

Living Life to the Full (Canada)

Living Life to the Full (Canada) The Canadian Mental Health Association The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a nation-wide organization that promotes the mental health of all, and supports the resilience and recovery of people...
Reclaim Your Life (Bolton)

Reclaim Your Life (Bolton)

Reclaim Your Life (Bolton)   Bolton NHS and other public health authorities have teamed up to deliver the Reclaim Your Life classes. Reclaim Your Life from Illness, disability, pain or fatigue: Your life … is more important than your illness. Would you like...

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