Media Innovations

Where is the course?

Media Innovations is no longer offering access to this site after the end of its license permitting delivery in 2015/16. Media Innovations will have informed clients of this change during 2016, and the sites have been left up by the license holder to allow existing users to end their courses.

Please approach Media Innovations directly for more information about this change.


Are you an individual affected by this?

Free access courses for individuals (not available to services) are available.

Visit the award winning free-access life skills course at


Are you a service or charity affected by this?

The original author of content makes multiple courses available for delivery under license through Five Areas Ltd

1). Enjoy series- from pregnancy to early childhood 

2). Primary and Secondary school aged children

3). Living Life to the Full (adult low mood and stress)

4). Reclaim your life (long term physical health conditions)

all available now…

5). Bulimia and anorexia carer courses are being added to the range during 2017.


What do the sites offer for services?

  • Apple, Windows and Android access
  • Responsive design- auto-sizing for mobiles and tablets
  • Make and review online plans
  • Set reminders (sms or email)
  • Supporter interface

Please contact Five Areas to arrange a preview. If you have unused logins for Media Innovations licensed packages Five Areas Ltd is happy to discuss providing some complimentary logins so you can get to know what is offered.

Contact us to find out more

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