Spirit Practitioner Training (Lincoln)
Screen shot taken from lincoln.fiveareastraining.com
For the second year running Lincolnshire Partnership NHS has commissioned their secondary care practitioners to be training in the Five Areas SPIRIT course. SPIRIT stands for Psychosocial Interventions in Teams. Using evidence based CBT written resources, this course trains practitioners in a jargon free approach, to teach their clients key life skills to aid symptoms of anxiety and depression. Qualified staff have also completed advanced practitioner days looking at long term anxiety, depression and relapse prevention as well as how the Five Areas resources can help those with psychosis.
A multi-disciplinary team of 160 staff members including Social Workers, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, a variety of support workers and service managers have completed the training. The different professionals attending the training has been fantastic to provide service users with a consistent approach. Furthermore staff stated that those with severe and enduring conditions are benefiting from this simplistic CBT based approach. Peer support groups have been created to keep the training live, with Adult Psychological Therapies facilitating, and qualified staff working alongside support workers to deliver the approach.
Here is a picture taken from one of the SPIRIT training days. The aim was to make a paper airplane to symoblise that just like life’s problems, to make the plane they have to break it down into manageable steps and ask others for support and reassurance along the way.
The team are using the Overcoming Depression and Low Mood book. Five Areas has also created Lincolnshire Partnership NHS their own dedicated website where clients can log on for free and complete the Living Life Course, as well as download and print worksheets.
If you would like to book the SPIRIT training course for your staff team or discuss other training course that we offer please email enquiries@fiveareas.com Click here to read more about the SPIRIT training course
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